Systematic Theology I
Dr. Stephen J. Wellum
A careful and systematic study of Christian doctrines, covering introduction to theology, revelation and Scripture, the existence, attributes, triune nature, and works of God in creation and providence, finishing with humanity and sin.
Learning Outcomes
articulate the importance of historical theology in the development of the doctrines of revelation, Scripture, theology proper, and theological anthropology.
compare and contrast the Christian worldview with other views especially in relation to the doctrines of revelation, Scripture, theology proper, and theological anthropology.
grasp with greater depth the interrelationships between various doctrines with the twin goal of beginning to formulate a Christian worldview, as well as bringing our life, language, and thought more in conformity to God’s Word.
articulate and defend the essential theological doctrines of the historic Christian faith as covered in this course.
integrate theological doctrines with contemporary issues thus learning how to do theology by applying the Word to the contemporary world.
minister in the local church with greater biblical-theological clarity as one who is deeply concerned to proclaim the whole counsel of God in all of its beauty, breadth, and depth.